Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)

14 TUESDAY EVENING- -THE DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT AND LEADER- -JUNE 27, 1933. TOMATOES 3 Fancy Pounds Fresh 23c HEAD LETTUCE 4 Large Fresh Heads 15c WAX BEANS 3 Fresh Pounds 25c BUTTER 2 Creamery Pounds 45c FANCY SWISS CHEESE, Lb. Fresh Peaches, Fresh California 3 Dozen Apricots, 4 Doz. 25c 25c GENUINE SPRING LAMB LAMB CHOPS, LEG OF LAMB, Pound 15c Pound 15c KOHRS' PURE LARD, Per Lb. 7c PORK CHOPS, Center Cuts, 2 Lbs.

19c USE OUR 500-CAR PARKING SPACE AT OUR DAVENPORT STORE EAGLES FREE MARKETS HOME DELIVERY OWNED Six Markets Conveniently Located Throughout Quad-Cities Pine Street Grocery 304 South Pine St. K. 1110 Pet Milk, 5 large or 10 small cans, with purchase of $1.50 grocery order or over 25c Kraft's Old Fashioned Brick Cheese, lb. 17c Coffee, Halligan's Red Bag, 18c lbs. for 53c.

Campbell's Pork and Beans, can 5c Peanut Butter, quart jar 21c Parowax, 2 pkgs. 15c Burma brand Rootbeer Extract, bottle 10c OPEN EVENINGS MID-WAY MARKET 812 W. 3rd St. Phone Ken. 736 THURS.

SPECIALS Corn Beef Sugar Cured 72c Lard, 2 lbs. 12c Butter, Best, lb. 21c Pork Chops, lb. 10c Veal Steak, lb. 9c lb.

Spring Chickens, 17c Frankfurts, are parents of a son, born at their home this past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrer have returned from where they spent their honeymoon. They spent a short time with his sister, Miss Florence Rohryer, in Ames on their return trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Goodlander are parents of a son at their home. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Potratz are parents of a irl born at the county hospital Sunday morning. Burial services were held today for Miss Augusta Nichols, 55, who died at her home in Oskaloosa Sunday. She was a daughter of Jacob Nichols, former agent for the Rock Island railway here. He passed away in 1926 and Mrs. Nichols survives.

A special golf tournament for ladies has been arranged in connection with the regular day morning breakfast at the Country club. Mrs. Harry Simpson is general chairman. Giants were down by the American Pearl Button factory team at Junkin field last evening by the score of 19 to 17. The Orioles won from the Devils last evening for the other game.

Two games are listed for this evening and are Troop Easy Aces and Little Demons VS. Y. M. C. A.

WASHINGTON GOLF TOURNEY JULY WIN SUNDAY MATCH Special to The Democras Washington, June Gibson, chairman of the golf tournament committee, announces a flag tournament for July 4. The tournament will start at 1 o'clock and a committee will be appointed to set the number of strokes to be awarded to each played. Sunday, July 2, the Washington golf team will meet the Fairview club team of Iowa City. The locals defeated Mt. Pleasant here Sunday by 48 strokes.

Those on the Mt. Pleasant team were Stevens, Morrow, Bingham, Walker, Hartley, Harshbarger, Crilley, Bran, Marris, Hobbos, McKroahan, Harene, Brown, Allison, Ward, Holland, Thompson, Miller, Seeley and Jerrell. Locals were Preston, Wolf, Dr. J. N.

Irwin, Will Harwood, Dr. A. W. Clow, Guy Carlton, Guy Knauss, Claude Tucker, Robert Thompson, Maynard Brown, Paul Gorham, Dr. Charles Brown, Frank Miller, Max Marble, James Belit, Ed Wells, Oscar Davis, Ralph Gibson, William Shannon, Al Moorman and C.

R. Mutcheon. Miller of Mt. Pleasant turned in two 43's for low score and Frank Miller was low for the locals with a 42 and 46. PROGRAM FOR BAND CONCERT ISSUED Washington, June Concert band will give an hour concert in Central park Wednesday evening starting at 8 o'clock.

The following program has been announced by Neil Humble, director: March, "On Florida Shores" (Duble). Overture, "Light Cavalry" (Suppe), Valse, "Nights of Gladness' (Ancliffe). "Gems of Stephen Foster" (Arr. Tobani). Popular numbers featuring the xylophone: a.

"Tom Thumb's Drum." b. "When the Little Red Roses Get the Blues for c. "'The Dark Town Ball." "Two Guitars' (Horlick). Trombone novelty, "Trombone Francais' (Davis). Excerpts from "The Merry Widow" (Lehar).

Galop, "The Whippet Race" (King). TENENBOM'S 1401 Harrison St. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Rib Boiling Beef, lb Spare Ribs, lb Pork Chops, lb Lard, 4-lb package Beef Roast, lb 10c Loin Pork Roast, lb Sirloin Steak, lb Short Steak, lb White Radishes, 5 bun. 10c Fresh Peas, 3 lbs New Turnips, 3 bunches. New Potatoes, 6 lbs Ige 15c Sweet Oranges, Homegrown Cabbage Root Beer Extract Bread, 3 white or whole wheat 10c Sugar, Cane, 5 lbs.

24c (With a purchase of 50c or more) Fresh Eggs, dozen Old Potatoes, peck Coffee, 25c value Soap, laundry, 3 1-lb bars 10c Cleanser, 4 cans 15c Rice or Navy Beans, 3 lbs 10c Tea Siftings, lb 10c Shrimp, per can Fish Flakes, can Tall can Salmon 10c Salt, 2 10c packages. 15c Salt, bulk, 5 lbs Figs, 8 packages Cooking Figs, 2 lbs Pork Beans, 2 cans Hominy, 3 cans 10c Bottle Caps, 1-lb package 15c Oysters or Tuna Fish, can 10c Sardines, 4 cans Crab Meat, can Lindy Cookies, lb 19c Asparagus, No. 2 Spinach, No. 2 can 10c Sweet Potatoes, Ige Peaches, 2. large Malt, 50c can Cocoanut, 25c package .150 Pearl Barley, 3 lbs.

Sago, 8 lbs WASHINGTON CO. MINISTERS FINAL MEET FOR SUMMER Special to The Democrat Washington, June of the largest representations ever to attend a county Ministerial association meeting was present yesterday morning at the Y. M. C. A.

for then final meeting of the suinmer. Rev. S. F. Wenger, Crawfordsville, was in general charge of the program and decorations.

Prof. C. A. Owen spoke on foreign missions and their present standing. The theme of "Nature and Seasons" was carried out with Rev.

F. C. Witzigman and Rev. Williams reading articles pertaining to each month following which a candle was lighted and those having birthdays were asked to stand. A candle was lighted in memory of members who have passed away this past year.

Dinner was served to the group. YOUNG, FORMERLY WASHINGTON BANK CASHIER, IS DEAD Special to The Democrat Washington, June S. Young, 67, who died home in Huntington Beach, was city treasurer, having served three Washington years. He having was served formerly as cash- of ier of Washigton National bank from 1918 to 1925 at which time he moved to California. Mr.

Young was vice president and general manager of the National Building and Loan association of Huntington Beach and was a prominent banker in Huntington Beach. According to a clipping received, "Mr. Young was prominent in civic and being a Mason, Templar, a Shriner fraternal, and was a member of the Rotary club. He was a former director of the Chamber of Commerce." HARGRAVES-M'GRAW BOUT FEATURE OF JULY 4 PROGRAM Special to The Democrat Washington, June Sitler, chairman the boxing for the July Fourth celebration announces that Doug Hargraves, 126- pounder of Davenport, winner of the Golden Glove tournament in Chicago, will box with Don McGraw, Washington. McGraw boxed with Hargraves in Davenport recently and the latter stated that it was the hardest match he had had in the Davenport territory.

McGraw stayed with him for nine rounds. Charles Popejoy, Kewanee, and Bud Higgins, Clinton, the flyweight class, wil be the other match of the evening. Members of the University of Iowa wrestling team will have part in exhibition wrestling matches. Some folks seem to think they are up-to-date when they are only uppish. CLARK HEADS WASHINGTON ROTARY CLUB Installation of Officers at Weekly Meeting; Owen Speaker.

Spectal to The Democret Washington, June Clark was installed president of the Rotary club Monday evening at the regular ladies' night program held at the Y. M. C. A. Dr.

A. W. Clow was retiring president. L. A.

Jones is vice president, C. R. McCutcheon, treasurer, and R. W. O.

LUNARDI 709 E. 6th St. Ken. 6418 A. TOFANELLI 518 East 7th St.

Wal. 2361 Super Suds, 2 pkgs. 17c Fresh Tomatoes, per lb. 10c Fresh Country Eggs, 2 doz. 21c Bananas, Fancy, dozen 23c Pancake Flour, pkg.

5c Corn, tall can 5c Fancy Cut, Chuck Roast, lb. 13c Pork Chops, Pound 12c Ground, Hamburger, lb. Fresh 10c Thompson. secretary. New board members are Dr.

A. Keith Droz and H. R. Lund. Following the dinner Dr.

C. A. Owen, missionary of Egypt, who is on a furlough, delivered an address on his work in the foreign country. He compared the advancements of this nation with Egypt. The music feature of the evening was music by the high school brass quartet.

Dr. Droz was chairman of the program. RYLANDER RETURNS FROM WEEK'S TRIP: BUREAU ACTIVITIES opecial to The Democrat Muscatine, June Agent Carl Rylander, who spent the week in Minnesota on an outing, past, resumed charge sot his. duties at the farm bureau office Monday. Preliminary arrangements for the annual excursion, tentatively set for Aug.

4 and for the annual picnic of the organization early in September, have been made by the board of directors. Four- club members will have charge of the program and will preside at a social hour at the Seventy-Six township division meeting Wednesday night at the John Eliasan home. EIGHT WASHINGTON CO. MEN ADDED TO CIVILIAN CORPS Washington, June men from this county have been added to the reforestation camp at Iowa City. They are Earl Kindig, Sherman Watson, Duane McClure, William Knottnerus, Frank Dailey, Jay Moore, George Matlock and Francis Bruty.

There are four World war veterans who are expected to be included following the passing of examinations they are: J. Wade Page, Washing. ton; Ezrea Huntley, Riverside; thur N. Gardner and Alfred gan, both of Wellman. Washington Special to The Democrat Washington, June Ben Briley has received word that her niece, Miss Helen Weedings, Ortanville, died of burns received Saturday evening.

She was carrying a lantern which exploded in the barn on the farm. She is the daughter of John Weddings this city. Funeral services were held today. Painting has been started at junior high direction of Harrison Dodder. first floor then will be repainted and a few other improvements will be made.

The painting contract also calls for the redecoratng of the Lincoln grade school and painting of exterior woodwork at Heights. Tuesday evening Howard Thomas and his recording orchestra is playing at Oakwood dance pavilion, Wellman. James Lewis, manager, announces that George Breckenridge and his 16-piece orchestra has been book for July 4. Mrs. Oscar Jugenheimer was elected president of the second annual Jugenheimer reunion held at Weed park in Muscatine Sunday.

Hazel Jugenheiber, also of this city, was elected secretary. Charlie Swygard, Burlington, is vice president. Rev. and Mrs. D.

C. Fulton and Mr. and Mrs. T. J.

McElhinney left for Pittsburgh, where they will attend the general assembly of the United Presbyterian church. They plan to visit in Pennsylvania for a month. Sunday, Rev. Fulton gave a special sermon, the 75th anniversary. W.

T. Carson is attending the Knights Templar convention in Spirit Lake this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rider, Garwin, are parents of a son, born yesterday morning in a Marshalltown hospital.

The mother is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Duncan of this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman BUEHLER BROS. MARKET WEDNESDAY MID.WEEK SPECIALS 316 Harrison St. Center Cut Lean, Meaty Pork Pork Chops, Butt a Roast, 10 8c Butter, First Grad Butter, 23c Fancy Young Beef Choice Cuts of Round Steak, lb.

Beef Roast, 14c 8c Hillsdale Pineapple, large can, 2 for 27c Lamb Shoulder Lamb Chops, lb. Stewing, Soriste 4c SOAP SOAP Selox, the Speed Soap, large box, each 9c Grandma Soap Chips, per box Van Camp's Naptha Soap, 6 large 25c Crystal White Chips, 5 pound bx. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 6:30 Three-Year Old Murder Mystery Still Special to The Democr terday marked the third anniver. Washington, June Ver sary of a crime that for two weeks held Iowa and surrounding states aghast, was the subject of eight column "screamer" headlines of all newspapers of the middle west, and which still is discussed whenever the question of crime in Amer. ica is brought up--the double slaying of two peace officers, at Washington at 4:30 a.

June 26, 1930, by an automobile thief. The double murder, the killing of Sheriff Fred Sweet and Night Marshal Aaron Bailey, still remains among the unsolved crimes of the Hawkeye state. Several men have been apprehended as a suspect in the tragedy but to date the real murderer is free. The two officers were killed in the county court house where they attempted to search an automobile thief, after stopping him as he drove the vehicle taken from an Ottumga garage into Washington. Sweet died as he' grappled with his murderer, then acted as a shield for his slayer against the fire of Bailey.

From behind body of the sheriff the car thief then turned his gun on Bailey. William Bailey, another night marshal who had been called to the sheriff's office after the capture of the car thief, exchanged shots with the murderer as the latter fled from the scene of his crime. "THE NEW TIP-TOP MARKET SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY Pork Tenderloins, lb. 19c Bacon, Sliced, Sirloin Steaks, 8c CREAMERY BUTTER lb. Pork Chops, center cuts 10c Chuck Roasts, lb.

Liver Sausage, ring 5c 1329 West Second St.I IRENE BATTERSON WEDS TED ANDERSON Washington, June Irene Lou Batterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Batterson, Washington and Ted Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Anderson, northwest of Washington were married Wednesday afternoon at Methodist parsonage, Morrison, by the Rev. Mr. Chenoweth. The couple returned Saturday after a short honeymoon.

They will make their home on a farm of his father's. Both are graduates of Washington high school. Fitchner-Hazen Wedding. Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Fitchner, Brighton, announce the marriage daughter Miss Gwendolyn Fitchner Brighton to Howard Hazen, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hazen, Washington.

The wedding took place at the Little Brown church near Nashua, Saturday. Attendants were Miss Irene Saunders and Kermit Oswalt of Brighton community. The bride graduated from Brighton high school this year aud Mr. Hazen graduated from Washington high school in 1926 and has since been employed at the Evening Journal, this city. You never will receive much pay for doing something that is easily learned, BUY SERVICE STORE RITE WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Tomatoes, red ripe, solid.

....2 lbs. 23c Cantaloupes, vine ripened, there's a difference, 2 for 25c Peaches, basket Lemons, Sunkist, juicy, 39c Sum-R-Aid, Assorted flavors, 5c Kellogg's Rice Crispies Pkg. 10c Set of Playing Cards Free With Purchase of 2 Pkgs. Nationals and WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Specials CAMPBELL'S IN PORK TOMATO AND BEANS SAUCE CAN 16-OZ 4c HAZEL 2-LB. PEANUT BUTTER BRAND JAR 19c BACON ARMOUR'S MELROSE LEAN--SLICED CELLO.


Locust Davenport, la. --218 18th Rock Island1516 15th 2317 16th 1522 6th Moline, Ill. They had been children together Now they met in the Black Cat FEE A RE 8 1 Mary had sung and danced her way into the hearts of the habitues of her uncle's night club. but men did not interest her until she saw Jerry sitting alone. She danced over to his table and remembered the time he had slapped her face when she was a little girl.

Now Jerry, mysteriously rich, mysteriously powerful, seized her imagination. and her love. Read of their amazing and thrilling romance in the new serial BLIND ALLEY BY ROBERT BORDNER 1933 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Wednesday, June 28 Democrat Leader.

Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.